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Sustainable Communities

In cooperation with the City of Cotati, Sandy Loam leads farm, nature and art based educational and enrichment programs for young people, educators and families.

Making it possible for young people to "understand and appreciate the order, the harmony and the beauty in nature…" — Dr. Maria Montessori

Our Inspiration

More than 100 years ago, Dr. Maria Montessori revolutionized our understanding of how young people learn through dogged research and trial & error. Her theory of child development and method of education continues to be validated to this day.

We are particularly inspired by Dr. Montessori’s belief that farms are the best educational laboratories for young people. At Sandy Loam, we integrate the fundamental principles of the Montessori Method with an immersive farm- and nature- based learning environment for children, youth and families.

Call for Community Partners

We are passionate about connecting and engaging with community members through activities that focus on the environment, agriculture, cuisine and Sonoma County’s diverse cultural heritage.

Contact Aishwarya at with program and event ideas!